Mix of the Week – Nabihah Iqbal

Introducing Nabihah Iqbal’s mix for Groove magazine is the Cure? A club edit of Lullaby from loops for two minutes, before handing over the rest of the mix to Disco and early House. A dynamic mix with heady peaks and emotive troughs comes together from eclectic corners of dance music with a nostalgic charm underpinning the entire mix, even through newer tracks like those from Other People’s A.L.L. The NTS Radio DJ’s steps out of the control room and into the DJ booth for this with its designs on the dance floor. The mix follows Iqbal’s debut album,Weighing of the Heart released last year through Ninja Tune, but favours a more organic palette from that record. An ethnomusicologist by day, radio DJ by night and producer and DJ everywhere in between, Iqbal’s talents know few bounds, a young star certainly on the rise.