Bjørn Torske live on a mountain

As part of a documentary on the rise of Norwegian dance music called Northern Disco Lights, Bjørn Torske is deposited on top of Tromsø’s Storsteinen to play an impromptu live set. We are only really offered a glimpse of the live gig, but they couldn’t have chosen a more scenic venue for a live gig. “Northern Disco Lights – The Rise and Rise of Norwegian Dance Music” is set for release at the end of the year, and is the work of the guys behind Paper Recordings, whose had a long standing relationship with Norwegian Dance music since the nineties, and are probably in the best position to tell the story to the outside world.

Last year they interviewed Tom Trago at Jæger for this very same documentary and you can still watch that clip over on Vimeo. You can find out more about the documentary here