One Thursday morning, when we were all very much still in la la land, dreaming about subduing the Untzdag hangover we most certainly asked for, Øyvind Morken was still awake. Harnessing the effects of his weekly Wednesday residency at Jæger, he decided to stay at the decks, and record a set for the guys at Skranglejazz. Øyvind Morken flows tirelessly through the set, feeding off syncopated rhythms, eighties drum machines, rubbery basslines and quirky synthesisers, touching on everything from Afro-Beat to Disco and Electro. Morken’s Strokes are always broad, incorporating everything from the artist’s immense tasteful palette. We don’t always get the opportunity to hear an Øyvind Morken set outside of the context of a dance floor, but on the rare occasion we do, like this one, it’s an extra special treat.