As the dark clouds moved in and the first drops of rain started flooding our backyard last Sunday, only the crack of a lightning bolt was missing from making the first Jæger Mix the ominous occasion it called for. A few technical issues expounded the excitement in the air, but when Della appeared in our sauna to inaugurate our new Jæger mix series a certain calm prevailed, helped steadily along by the selection of music she proceded to produce from the booth.
Della arrived with a bag full of jackin’ House tunes that oozed around the lower frequencies and meandered through easy tempos. Her selections bounced around the skipping beats and acid bass lines of Chicago, while modulating freely between the spindly keys of New York and the lo-fi resonances from Disco. Never too far away from an acid bass line either, Della stayed true to her US roots bringing the likes of N.Y. House’n Authority and Nebraska to Oslo and Jæger’s backyard for this mix. A vocal or two was never too far back in the full-bodied House tracks – something Della is known to be particularly prone to and hints perhaps at her own vocal instincts, instincts we’ve heard lately on Justin Harris’ “The Future is Past” and are likely to hear soon in a new track with De Fantastiske To. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves, so lets just let this mix simmer before head off into the weekend.
You can hear and get some of the tracks from this mix in her latest Traxsource top ten and catch her at the mic for Musikkfest alongside De Fantastiske To in Jæger’s backyard on Saturday. You can also catch Della on tour in the US over the summer including a set at San Francisco’s Sunset Campout festival on the 22nd of July.
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