Cruising through the desert of inextricable feeling and ineffable dreams, the dromedary duo Kamelkollektivet, approach this week’s Jæger mix with a lucid tentativeness. They travel through a meditative oasis of sound, subtle and pertinent in their objective to soundtrack the feeling of an imperturbable Sunday.
Never exceeding the cautious sway of a four-four beat in speculative repose, Kamelkollektivet’s focus turn to sound design and creating an aura of mystery and reverie in their selections. Dub rhythms and endlessly modulating atmospheres ebb to and fro through the mix as they embark on their hour-long stint through the Jæger mix.
A live act too, they are able to string along a narrative through their set, that is less like a journey and more than a static scene, where the horizon stretches on forever and the music takes on a liquid form, washing over the ears of the listener.