JM#214 – Normann & Ole HK (Helt Texas)

Edvard Normann and Ole HK (Henrik Kristiansen) have been fixtures at Jaeger. Every Thursday they swing the door open to the sauna as the pre-party to the weekend commences with reckless abandonment on a night called Helt Texas, appropriately. 

For the last two years they’ve established a sound and a community around the night with regular DJ bookings, the odd international guest and a crowd that unceasingly succumbs to the dance floor every week. 

As DJs Ole and Edvard’s dance cards are practically full every week, and while Ole is exclusively a DJ (for the time being), Edvard also works as a songwriter and producer for some prominent artists in Norway’s music scene.  

Together they’ve established one of the best Thursday night outings in Oslo, and in this latest edition of the Jaeger mix, they bring the sound of the night to life across two hours. Between minimal grooves and tunnelling progression Ole and Edvard establish a palpable mood in their mix. 

Glistening at the top end and swelling at the lower registers, there’s a fluidity between tracks that pulses with a dedicated rhythm throughout. Through a big system it envelopes and it coerces people to the dance floor in a true representation of a Helt Texas night. They call it “sexy, groovy and sophisticated club music” and in this mix they lay it all on the table for us. 

In what is a long-overdue first opportunity to interview the duo, we leave the mix playing in the background and find out a little more about the friendly duo behind the mix and the club night. 

How did you two meet and what was the music you bonded over at the time?

Edvard: We met at The Villa back in 2018/2019. I was playing and Ole approached me, but I can’t recall that at all. Hehe! We became great friends and obviously bonded because of our love for club music. The groovy type.

You have been playing together for a while at Helt Texas. How do you think the night has channelled your musical tastes closer to each other?

At first we were kind of all over the place in terms of music, and the sound of Helt Texas was not really defined. Over the last couple of years we’ve found our path and the minimal, groovy, high energy stuff is what we both love. But it took a while!

Where would you say you are most different in terms of your individual tastes?

That’s a tough one. Right now it almost feels like we are 2 people in 1 body.

Do you ever find yourselves with the same track cued, and who gets to play it when that does happen?

We don’t think that has ever happened actually! But we’ve for sure played the same track twice a night by accident… sometimes because we love the track so much, we play it in the beginning and then later on in our set.

Edvard, you also work in music outside of the club sphere. Can you tell us a bit more about that? 

Edvard: I do! I am a producer and songwriter full time. Always been. I’ve actually never had a “normal job”. I started making music at the age of 13 and just continued. The stuff I do is the complete opposite of what I do at Jaeger though. Lately I’ve worked with Norwegian pop acts like Karpe, Dagny and Delara and also one of Norway’s biggest EDM acts – Alan Walker.

Is there any crossover there between the things you do in the studio and DJing and what do you get out of DJing that you don’t get from the studio today?

Edvard: In my opinion one type of music can inspire other types of music. Good music is good music, and I love exploring all types of genres both as a DJ and producer. But as a producer you have to listen to feedback and make the “client”/artist happy. Which is super annoying from time to time… When I DJ, no one can tell me what to do, and that feeling is priceless.

How did you both arrive at club music and DJing initially?

Ole: Not that many people know, I started my DJ career back in 2012 up in the North where I’m from and in 2013 I got my first paid gig. Then around 2017/18 I moved back to Oslo for a second time and discovered Finnebassen at The Villa and the Det Gode Selskab parties. I got so inspired and totally hooked on that underground sound and those parties. 

Ole, did you have any experience with making music or playing an instrument before DJing?

Ole: Yes. My father plays and builds his own guitars and basses. He taught me how to play guitar at an early age and I went to drumming classes during elementary school. 

You’re no stranger to the concepts around music then. Do you have any plans to start producing and making music in the future?

Ole: To be honest, I don’t. Would be curious to learn more about it though. 

What was it about DJing that appealed to you when you started out, and who or what was the catalyst for that first set?

Ole: I have always had an interest in music and a taste that I think appeals to people. I remember when we started partying during high school and Spotify came around. I was the first one to download it and play tracks. All my friends and the people that came to our parties were like “oh this music is nice” and “damn who is this I want that track,” and then the next party came and everyone wanted me to take control over the music. 

That’s how I realised I wanted to be a DJ and after that I started to think about how to take it to the next level. I started reading about djing on the internet, searched youtube for both tutorials and documentaries. After that I contacted a friend and DJ in my hometown, Alta and he showed me everything about djing and mixing. Since then I have been obsessed with djing and the feeling of seeing the crowd moving to the music I play and give the people a good time. 

Does playing with somebody like Normann, who has a background in music influence your own approach ever? 

Ole: What I like about music and djing is that you always learn and get influenced. I am inspired to learn new things when I play together with skilled people. 

Conversely Edvard, is there something about Djing with others that puts you in a different creative mind set ever?

Edvard, DJing with others is by far my favourite. Collaboration in general is something that I love both in the studio and at clubs. To inspire the one you’re playing with and also get inspired – working towards giving the crowd the best possible set.

Let’s talk about the mix for a minute. The Jaeger mix kind of glistens at the top end and there’s a progressive nature to the tracks. Was there anything specific like a sonic theme you were looking to achieve with this mix?

It’s a good representation of what we do at Helt Texas. And that was sort of the idea – to almost showcase the sound of our Thursdays.

What were some of your personal highlights in the track selection?

Edvard: 909B – Alex Pervukhin is probably my favourite song in the mix.

Ole: The whole mix is a favourite! Hehe. 

You both play around Oslo a bit. How do you adapt what you play to venues and anything you do specific to Jaeger? 

Jaeger is the one of the few places where we can do exactly what we feel like. It’s our home ground. Other places we often have to adapt more to the type of venue and people that are there.

Helt Texas is based on that hedonistic abandon ahead of the weekend, the pre-party for Friday. How do you relay that kind of mood through something as abstract as music?

We have to say we are really happy and feel honoured to have our own concept and the opportunity to kickstart the weekend every Thursday in a respectful club as Jaeger. We share the club music we love and it looks like its work to the people as well. 

Do you feel there is a sound to Helt Texas and how is it reflected in this mix?

Sexy, groovy and sophisticated club music. As you can hear in the mix.  

You also often have some guests on the lineup. What do you usually look for in the other DJs when you ask them to join you?

Good taste in music, mixing skills and passion for what you do. That’s all you really need!

Helt Texas has been going for almost two years now. What have been some of your highlights? 

It’s impossible to pick one… but every night with international bookings, with legends like Traumer and Shonky is always special. In general the warm summer nights where it’s so packed that we have to remove the side wall outside, and the whole crowd is just in the zone is beyond the best feeling.

Where do you see it evolving to in the future?

We go on. More music, more guests both locally and international.

What else is on the horizon for either of you in the near future that you’re very excited to share?

Time will tell – shhhhh!