
#savefabric weekender raises £9600

Thank you to all those people that came out two weeks ago for the #savefabric weekender. With your support we raised £9600 for Fabric as they take on one of the biggest legal challenges they’ve ever faced. With an appeal date set for the 28th of November and an ensuing a legal battle that will see them take on the UK’s licensing laws, the Fabric team face an arduous and thankless road ahead of them. Ola and the Jæger team immediately realised the universal consequences of closing Fabric and repurposed the autumn DJ marathon for a #savefabric weekender , where 75% of the door went to #savefabric. Oslo reciprocated by showing up on mass, raising that formidable amount that Ola has now put in an envelope and shipped to Fabric Life ltd. It should help ensure the daily operations of the company could go on too, while the #saveourculture campaign ensues in the UK. We’d like to thank all those dancers that came out for the cause and made this happen, it was an inspiring scene and one that will hopefully take back that which is ours, Fabric.