Stream Rave-Enka’s Rett i Kroppen (Track by Track)

rett-i-kroppeRave-Enka (Ravi Burnsvik from the Fantastiske To) is on the cusp of releasing his sophomore effort on Paper Recordings, following 2015’s Påfulgen. It continues the machine aesthetic set forth on that release where musical sensibilities are transposed to the machine aesthetic, bridging the gap between genres to find Rave-Enka’s instinctive talent behind the tracks. It sees Rave-Enka go from strength to strength through three tracks with a polished production hand and an effervescent energy. In the following article we go track by track with Ravi while you listen to Rett-i-Kroppen in this exclusive stream.



Rett i Fletta

Is the title a reference to Prins Thomas’ label?

Not intentionally! It’s a great label though. The title is a reference to an expression that’s been floating around in the studio.

How would you describe this EP to a listener that doesn’t know your music?

It’s electronic music with inspiration from Brazil, 70s disco and some Jazz.

How does this track relate to the track later on the EP, Rett i Kroppen?

I made them both in succession, over a day or two, and was originally planning an EP with just those two tracks.

You’re quite a talented keyboardist, and I noticed there is an ascending – descending chord movement during the latter half of the track, but for the most part it feels a lot more sequenced than your stuff with Marius. How did your skills at the keys play a role in this release?

Apart from some leads and arpeggios here and there, not all too much really. Part of the plan with this EP was trying to move away from using the piano as a base. 


I know on Påfulgen you were essentially sampling various eras around dance music. What were the essential ideas behind this EP?

I guess you could argue that it’s the same idea, just with expressions from other decades. Also, groove. The three tracks share similarities in groove, I feel.

How does Honningen fit into this picture?

Hopefully quite well!

What did Richard Seaborne bring to the track through the remix?

Richard flipped the whole thing over, made something entirely his own from very little material, and gave it another dimension. He made it a lot more danceable, in my view.

Rett i Kroppen

The title – That’s your love of puns… cropping up again, right?

I see what you did there, he he. Yes. I’m afraid it is!

This EP was ready a while back already. How has your music evolved since and what can we expect in the future?

I’ve been working on some deeper material, some of which might pop up on Friday. Apart from that, well, there’s the album I’m working on, and a couple releases with De Fantastiske To that I’m really looking forward to.


*Rave-Enka will be playing tracks from Rett-i-Kroppen at our DJ Marathon and the Ep will be available from Juno Download from the 18th 0f February.